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GENEVA, Switzerland, February 14, 2019/ — Director-General Roberto Azevêdo was in Maputo, Mozambique, today (14 February), where he met President Filipe Nyusi. They discussed how to strengthen global trade cooperation for the future, through the WTO, so it can keep supporting the integration of Mozambique and other least developed countries (LDCs) into the global economy. 

The Director-General also met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation José Condugua António Pacheco and the Minister of Industry and Trade Ragendra de Sousa. In addition, the Director-General visited the National Institute for Standardisation and Quality.  

While in Mozambique, the Director-General said: 

“I am pleased to be in Mozambique, following President Nyusi's visit to the WTO last year. This is an important occasion to build on our cooperation and ensure that trade plays its full role here in Mozambique. 

“These are challenging times for multilateralism. We need to strengthen the global trading system to ensure that it is equipped to support a changing global economy, and that it continues to support the integration of Mozambique and other LDCs. As WTO members discuss how to modernize the organization and make the system more agile and responsive to economic change, Mozambique and the LDCs have to make their voices heard in this debate. Working together, we can ensure that more LDCs benefit from global trade, and that the global trading system is truly working for the common good.” 

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