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Alhamdulliah, Alhamdulliah, Alhamdulillah!

By the Grace of Allah, SW, we’ve just been blessed to have successfully concluded the requirements of Ramadan, the holiest month in the Muslim year. May Allah, SW, accept all our actions and intentions during the month.  Indeed we’re very grateful for the daily fellowship and comradery from our non-Muslim neighbors and colleagues during Ramadan.  We’re thankful to all New Yorkers from elected officials who hosted communal Iftars, to clergy who held interfaith programs, to law enforcement who increased our protection 24/7, to ordinary neighbors and colleagues who accommodated our needs with patience and respect. On behalf of all Muslims, we say THANK YOU and THANK YOU a thousand time. 

Now that the small task has been satisfactorily completed together, the bigger and holier one is immediately before us, and it warrants our continued solidarity. That is stopping the brewing war between US and Iran. Without a doubt, one American or Iranian’s life is far more valuable to be preserved than all the fasting of Muslim New Yorkers combined.  Certainly, no true believer of God must be silent in the midst of injustice, oppression or aggression regardless of the costs. We must all stand up against endless wars, especially conflicts based ideology, hatred and arms selling. We must learn to live and love again as one human family. We must say no to war with Iran and to all other global conflicts that have rendered the earth a living hell. 

We urgently ask you all to join us on Friday, June 14, 2019, 1:00-3:00 PM at United Nations Plaza to denounce war talks, misleading war lobbyists and conflicts profiteers’ rhetoric. $6 trillion dollars and 500,000 lives lost so far since the start of Iraq war must be a wakeup call. A war based solely on lies from the same characters home and abroad. Not To Iraq.2 


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