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You should know that according to an article written by Nolan Hicks, titled “City Failed to Remove Poisoned Kids From Toxic Apartments” was published in the July 8th, 2019 edition of The New York Post.

According to Mr. Hicks: “City inspectors uncovered conclusive evidence of lead paint in 34 public housing apartments where lead-poisoned children were living — but the city failed to force repairs or move the kids out …”

It is important for you to know that while our children are being poisoned, some of our elected officials have busied themselves making statements about the humanitarian crisis that exists for undocumented children on the US-Mexico border.

In their defense of undocumented children, some elected officials’ extreme remarks have even accused border patrol agents of heinous activity.

What about the humanitarian crisis our Black & Hispanic children of NYC are facing right here in New York City Housing Authority apartments?

You should already know that Presidential candidate Mayor Bill de Blasio was clueless about the undocumented migrant children who live in Harlem, and has been using his national political voice to decry what he calls “a broken, inhumane policy.”

Mr. Mayor, what about the humanitarian crisis our Black & Hispanic children, who are your actual constituents, are facing right here in NYCHA apartments?

My dear reader, our children who live in apartments in the New York City Housing Authority need to be prioritized by our top elected officials.

No one here cares about our local elected officials’ national grandstanding!

Mr. Hicks’ article further states:

“The Health Department is only going in after these kids have been poisoned,” said lawyer Matthew Chachere of the nonprofit Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp., who helped write the city’s lead laws. “It’s their job to make sure these kids are no longer at risk, and these findings raise serious questions about if they’ve abdicated that responsibility.”

Our children are our treasures and deserve to live in a safe and healthy environment – not apartments that are poisoned with lead paint, mold and vermin.

A humanitarian crisis exists here in NYCHA apartments and the serious human suffering that our children are being subjected to must be prioritized.

Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to join me and pray that our elected officials follow the Biblical advice: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of our own household” Galatians 6:10

I am Council Member Reverend Rubén Díaz, Sr. and this is what you should know.

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