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EU condemns Nigerian church massacre, stands in solidarity with Ondo people

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The European Union has condemned Sunday’s massacre of scores of defenceless worshippers at a Catholic Church in Owo, Ondo State.

The EU’s High Representative, Josep Borrell, who made this known in a statement in Abuja, said that the Union was shocked by the killings.

“The unacceptable attacks by non-state armed groups are becoming recurrent in various parts of Nigeria and the senseless violence has now spread to the hitherto peaceful state of Ondo.

“The EU stands in solidarity with the people of Ondo State, and in particular the families who have lost their loved ones. Those responsible for the despicable act should be speedily brought to justice,” he said.

According to him, the EU remains committed to working with the Nigerian authorities to stop this spiral of violence, find a lasting solution.

“We will continue to support Nigeria in its efforts in building sustainable peace, deepening democracy and ensuring protection of fundamental human rights of all its people. Including the right of worship and freedom of religion or belief,” he stated.

News Agency

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