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Biden denounces Trump’s praise for Hezbollah

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US President Joe Biden criticized former President Donald Trump on Thursday for his recent endorsement of Hezbollah’s intelligence during a campaign speech in Florida. This comes as Hezbollah engages in hostilities with Israel following the Hamas attack on the US ally.

During the speech, Trump not only praised Hezbollah but also falsely alleged that the Biden administration had facilitated the Hamas attack through a prisoner exchange deal with Iran, a nation historically linked to funding both Hamas and Hezbollah.

President Biden, taking to X (formerly Twitter), expressed unwavering support for Israel and condemned the act of praising terrorist organizations. He stated, “Our nation’s support for Israel is resolute and unwavering. And the right time to praise the terrorists who seek to destroy them is never.”

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates labeled Trump’s remarks as “dangerous and unhinged.”

Israel reacted with indignation as well. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, in a television interview, criticized Trump’s statements, asserting that he could not be trusted. Karhi lamented the former president’s actions, describing them as harmful to the morale of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and residents.

The ongoing Middle East conflict has seen significant casualties, with Hamas militants inflicting casualties in Israel and taking hostages, prompting Israel to respond with extensive air and artillery strikes in Gaza.

Adding to Israel’s challenges, clashes with Hezbollah in the north, including cross-border attacks, have further complicated the situation.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, also weighed in, condemning Trump’s statements and reaffirming support for Israel.

In a statement issued later on Thursday, Trump did not address his comments about Hezbollah but asserted his support for Israel and criticized the Biden administration, claiming that “weakness and incompetence” had emboldened their enemies and caused unnecessary loss of life.

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