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Special counsel eyes support staff as potential witnesses in Trump’s classified documents case

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In a shocking revelation, Special Counsel Jack Smith is considering calling support staff from Mar-a-Lago to testify in Donald Trump’s classified documents case, sending shockwaves through the MAGA world.

This nightmare scenario for the ex-president could unravel details about illegal obstruction efforts carried out by Trump and his associates.

An exclusive report delves into the impending challenges, forecasting a bumpy road for those still supporting Trump.

Multiple verified sources suggest that ordinary employees handling day-to-day tasks at the Florida estate might hold crucial information regarding the alleged obstruction activities.

These unsung heroes, often overlooked by Trump and his affluent guests, may have witnessed and overheard significant events while diligently carrying out their duties at the periphery of rooms.

The potential witnesses include a plumber, a maid, a chauffeur, a woodworker, and maintenance workers — a lineup that sounds like the setup to a joke, but the punchline could be Donald J. Trump behind bars.

One striking detail emerges as the woodworker, responsible for installing crown molding in Trump’s bedroom, reportedly observed stacks of papers that might have been classified.

This revelation adds a new layer to the unfolding legal drama.

Smith and his prosecutors are poised to broaden their inquiries, considering questioning Trump’s Secret Service agents, former intelligence officers, and individuals present when the ex-president discussed secret plans for attacking Iran recklessly.

In essence, the potential testimony from this diverse group of witnesses amounts to very bad news for Donald Trump and poses a significant threat to his freedom as the legal proceedings intensify.

The specter of Mar-a-Lago’s support staff becoming key witnesses paints a challenging picture for the former president in the ongoing legal battle.

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