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Parkchester resident endures freezing conditions amidst maintenance woes

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Parkchester resident, Edrena Walker, has expressed her frustration on social media, shedding light on a chilling situation within her apartment.

Despite the bone-chilling temperatures, Walker faced a month-long wait for a solution to her heating predicament, only to be met with dismissive handymen.

In a series of passionate posts, Walker described how two handymen, dispatched to address her concerns, refused to caulk the drafty windows.

Frustrated by the lack of immediate action, she expressed her discontent with the entire process, highlighting the deteriorating state of caulking evident in her living space.

Armed with a strip of sponge foam attempting to ward off the cold drafts, Walker painted a vivid picture of her struggle, likening the situation to having an open window. Determined to seek resolution, she declared her intention to visit the property manager’s office, emphasizing her willingness to take the matter to housing court if necessary.

Adding a historical perspective, Walker noted that her residence at 1440 Wood Rd was constructed in 1939, suggesting that certain maintenance issues could be attributed to “habitual wear and tear.”

However, she pointed out the apparent lack of acknowledgment from the Parkchester management regarding such considerations.

“I’m in my Apt freezing when it’s NO HEAT because of Drafty windows & 2 handyman gonna tell me they don’t Caulk windows & call their Supervisor whose I didn’t write down after asking because I’m on 🔥🔥 after waiting a whole month of waiting & freezing He also said they don’t Caulk windows,” she wrote.

She added, “I have a strip of sponge foam trying block draft not working that window sounds like it’s open.

“Look at this Caulking it’s clearly molding I’m on my way to the property Mgr office right now. And don’t have a problem going to housing court Why do some of these Men even come to work don’t wanna do what’s right & come into ya apt telling u the problem I don’t approve that some of them need to be re trained 1440 Wood rd was built in 1939 so how tenants lived in this apt there is something called

In a final plea, Walker questioned the dedication of some maintenance personnel, suggesting that retraining might be in order for those unwilling to address tenants’ concerns.

Her outcry raises broader questions about the responsibility of property management in maintaining living conditions and the longevity of infrastructure in aged buildings like 1440 Wood Rd.

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