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US forces clash with Houthiboats in Red Sea, escalating tensions

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The US military engaged three Houthi boats in the Red Sea, resulting in the death of at least 10 fighters, according to reports. The Houthi rebels from Yemen acknowledged the loss of their personnel, asserting that the vessels were on a mission to enhance security, stability, and protect maritime navigation.

The Houthi group claimed that their boats were also fulfilling a humanitarian duty by preventing Israeli or Palestine-bound ships from passing through the Red Sea. In response, the US military, patrolling the region to counter Houthi threats, stated that it sank the three boats during an attack on a container ship, the Maersk Hangzhou.

Helicopters from the USS Eisenhower and USS Gravely, responding to an SOS call from the Maersk Hangzhou, engaged the “Iranian-backed Houthi small boats” in self-defense, resulting in the destruction of three of the boats and the death of several crew members. A fourth boat managed to escape the encounter.

The Maersk Hangzhou had previously been targeted by Houthi boats less than 24 hours before the recent clash. On Saturday night, the US Central Command reported shooting down two ballistic missiles fired by the Houthis in response to a separate missile strike on the vessel.

Following these incidents, Maersk, a major global shipping company, announced a 48-hour suspension of its operations in the Red Sea, underscoring the ongoing threat to commercial vessels in the region.

Amid Israel’s conflict with Gaza, the Houthi rebels, aligned with Iran, have persistently targeted vessels they believe are linked to Israel in the Red Sea. Despite the US-led coalition’s establishment of a global naval task force to safeguard shipping in the region, Houthi attacks on passing vessels, including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles, have continued.

The US Vice Admiral Brad Cooper acknowledged that the Houthi attacks are likely to persist, emphasizing that the recent clash represents a serious escalation, not only sinking Houthi boats but also resulting in the loss of Houthi fighters. This development has heightened concerns among Yemenis, fearing a potential spill-over of the conflict into their territory. The US-led coalition, despite efforts, has so far been unable to deter Houthi aggression effectively.

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