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Special counsel report finds Biden mishandled classified documents, no criminal charges recommended

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The special counsel’s report on President Biden’s handling of classified documents during his time as vice president has been released, revealing significant findings but concluding that no criminal charges are warranted.

Special counsel Robert Hur stated that even if the Justice Department hadn’t ruled out charges against a sitting president, the evidence didn’t support criminal prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt. Despite this, the report criticized Biden for willfully retaining and disclosing classified materials post-vice presidency.

Hur’s 345-page report paints a detailed picture of Biden’s tenure as vice president and the subsequent years. It highlights instances where classified documents, including those concerning military and foreign policy matters, were improperly stored in Biden’s homes and offices instead of being sent to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The investigation involved 173 interviews and the collection of over 7 million documents from various sources.

Although the report acknowledged Biden’s cooperation, it raised concerns about the serious national security risks posed by his handling of sensitive information. Notably, Biden’s use of notebooks containing classified entries, some of which were shared with a ghostwriter for his memoir, came under scrutiny. While Biden argued that other presidents had similarly retained such materials, the report found evidence suggesting he knowingly kept classified documents despite their sensitive nature.

One key aspect of the investigation was Biden’s memory and his ability to recall events accurately. The report detailed instances where Biden’s recollection was called into question, with the president himself addressing concerns about his memory during remarks following the report’s release. Despite this, Biden emphasized his commitment to cooperation and transparency throughout the investigation.

The report also drew comparisons between Biden’s handling of classified documents and that of his predecessor, Donald Trump. While Biden cooperated with investigators, Trump faced allegations of obstructing justice and illegally retaining classified materials at his Mar-a-Lago estate. The contrast between their responses to the federal investigation underscored the differing approaches to accountability and transparency.

In conclusion, while the special counsel’s report found significant shortcomings in Biden’s handling of classified information, it ultimately determined that no criminal charges were warranted. The report sheds light on the complexities of managing sensitive materials and the importance of accountability in safeguarding national security interests.

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