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Chaos in the Bronx, Venezuelan migrant with extensive criminal record charged in double murder

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Josue Ruben Silva, a 21-year-old illegal immigrant from Venezuela, has been charged with the fatal shooting of two people outside a Bronx apartment building in Fordham Heights.

This incident adds to Silva’s already extensive criminal record, highlighting significant concerns about the management and oversight of recent migrants.

Early Friday morning, a seemingly trivial comment escalated into a deadly confrontation on Davidson Avenue. A passerby allegedly disrespected a 44-year-old woman, prompting her boyfriend to intervene. The argument initially subsided as the man retreated into the building, but he returned shortly after, accompanied by friends armed with baseball bats. One of them, allegedly Silva, opened fire with a 40-caliber handgun, striking the woman, her 36-year-old boyfriend, and a 21-year-old bystander.

The two older victims suffered fatal chest wounds and were pronounced dead at St. Barnabas Hospital. The younger woman sustained a non-life-threatening arm injury. Silva was arrested and charged with the shootings shortly thereafter.

Since his arrival in New York about a year ago, Silva has been arrested six times on various charges, including robbery, theft, and gun possession. His criminal activities have escalated over time, with allegations of involvement in a series of moped robberies targeting the city’s residents.

Silva’s criminal record began on February 6 with a petty larceny charge in Brooklyn. Subsequent arrests included grand larceny and possession of a loaded firearm on February 25. Despite prosecutors’ requests for bail, Silva was released under supervision but later skipped a court date, resulting in a bench warrant. Additional arrests followed in April and May for robbery and possession of stolen property.

The shooting has sparked outrage among law enforcement and local residents. A source within the NYPD expressed frustration, emphasizing the need for stricter oversight and accountability: “Empathy can’t excuse away a double murder. We have to get our hands around this problem or it’s going to get its hands around us.”

This incident raises critical questions about the influx of migrants to New York City, particularly those with unresolved legal issues. It remains unclear whether Silva is among the tens of thousands of asylum seekers transported from the US-Mexico border since 2022, but his case underscores the broader challenges of integrating and monitoring new arrivals.

The tragic outcome of Friday’s altercation has intensified calls for a comprehensive review of policies related to migrant processing and criminal justice. The community is demanding answers and action to prevent similar incidents in the future, stressing the need for balanced approaches that ensure public safety without undermining humanitarian efforts.

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