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US senator faces new corruption charges

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Senator Robert Menendez is facing additional legal challenges as US prosecutors unveiled fresh corruption charges against him. The allegations center around accusations that Menendez accepted bribes to facilitate a businessman, Fred Daibes, in securing investments from a fund linked to Qatar’s government.

These charges add to the existing corruption-related legal proceedings against the veteran Democrat, who has consistently denied any wrongdoing, including charges related to acting as an agent of Egypt and engaging in bribery.

Despite maintaining his innocence, Senator Menendez relinquished his role as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in September. The indictment contends that Menendez received bribes to publicly support Qatar while the investment company considered funding a real estate project owned by Daibes. Both Menendez and Daibes are now facing charges, and their trial is scheduled for May 6.

In the context of Egypt-related charges, Menendez is accused of accepting substantial bribes from residents of New Jersey, leveraging his influence to benefit businessmen and the Egyptian government. The superseding indictment revealed details of a search at Menendez’s residence, uncovering over $480,000 in cash concealed in envelopes, clothing, closets, and a safe, some of which bore the senator’s name. Despite the mounting legal challenges, the 70-year-old Democrat, whose parents immigrated from Cuba, maintains his innocence in the face of these allegations.

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