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Eric Adams urges New Yorkers to prioritize safety measures ahead of Monday’s solar eclipse

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In anticipation of the upcoming solar eclipse scheduled for next Monday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams issued a stern reminder to residents, emphasizing the critical need for safety precautions during this celestial event.

With the potential risks associated with directly viewing the sun, Adams implored New Yorkers to exercise extreme caution and refrain from looking directly at the solar phenomenon.

Acknowledging common misconceptions surrounding solar eclipse viewing, Mayor Adams highlighted the significance of avoiding direct eye contact with the sun.

“I know that people think that you could just look up at it. It is, it’s not a major issue, but it is,” Adams emphasized, underscoring the importance of prioritizing eye safety during the eclipse.

As part of the city’s proactive measures to ensure public safety, Adams announced the distribution of eclipse glasses at various locations across the city, including the public library system. These protective glasses, available while supplies last, aim to provide residents with a safe means of observing the eclipse without risking eye damage.

He stated further that New York City Parks will host viewing events in all five boroughs, offering residents the opportunity to experience the solar spectacle under supervised and safe conditions.

Watch the broadcast message of Mayor Eric Adams here. 

Mayor Adams encouraged residents to take advantage of these organized events to witness the eclipse safely.

In addition to precautions for pedestrians and spectators, Adams extended safety reminders to motorists, advising drivers to utilize headlights during the eclipse-induced darkness, enhancing visibility and reducing the risk of accidents on the road.

In his concluding remarks, he reiterated the paramount importance of safeguarding one’s vision and emphasized the irreversible consequences of directly gazing at the solar eclipse.

“This is very, very important. Don’t damage your vision. Do not look directly at the eclipse,” Adams urged, urging New Yorkers to prioritize their safety during this celestial event.

With the collective efforts of city officials and residents alike, New York City aims to ensure a safe and enjoyable viewing experience for all during the upcoming solar eclipse.

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