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Mother of slain BLM protester condemns Gov Abbott for pardoning killer

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Sheila Foster, the grieving mother of Black Lives Matter protester Garrett Foster, has vehemently criticized Texas Governor Greg Abbott for pardoning Daniel Perry, the man convicted of her son’s murder.

Foster expressed her anguish and outrage over the governor’s decision, stating it has robbed her of the peace she had long awaited.

“We finally got a trial and we finally got justice, we finally got long overdue peace, and then the governor ripped it right from under us,” said Sheila Foster. “My life has been hell the last four years.”

Garrett Foster was participating in a racial justice protest and was legally carrying a firearm under Texas law when Daniel Perry drove into the crowd and fatally shot him. The trial concluded with Perry’s conviction, offering a semblance of justice to Foster’s family. However, Governor Abbott’s recent pardon of Perry has reignited their torment.

Since her son’s death, Sheila Foster has endured severe stress and health issues, including a significant weight loss and a worsening battle with cervical cancer. “I’ve been sick ever since the governor announced his plans to pardon. There’s not been a single week where I have been healthy every day,” she revealed.

Foster described her ongoing grief as a “nightmare” from which she cannot awaken. “I feel like I’m living in a nightmare that I can’t wake up from, and I haven’t been able to grieve for my child like a normal person,” she said.

Foster also called for Governor Abbott’s removal from office, accusing him of engaging in a “political circus” by pardoning Perry. “I will spend the rest of my life making sure that happens. This is so corrupt,” she vowed.

Reflecting on her son’s life, Foster shared memories of his love for animals, recalling how he cared for birds, dogs, lizards, and snakes.

Critics argue that Abbott’s pardon of Perry is a politically motivated move to appease his conservative base, sending a troubling message about the use of state power. Conservatives have celebrated the pardon, seeing it as a victory, while opponents view it as an abuse of power and a grave injustice.

The case has stirred significant controversy and debate, highlighting the deep political and social divisions surrounding issues of justice and governance in Texas and across the nation.

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